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GRUFF is a handmade, paper short film (9m23s) that took Julian Curi 3 years to complete. It's a story about the people you know love you, but aren’t exactly verbal about it.

By: WayGroovy | | Thanks: Afkamm

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The Court Jester

David, an under appreciated segment producer, has a life altering run in with the enigmatic fitness guru, Richard Simmons, backstage of a high profile talk show.

By: WayGroovy | | Thanks: haze

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All Hail Ceviche Man Dot Com

looking for a new blockbuster

By: WayGroovy | | Thanks: Teharteest 

[Comments (3)]


The Dollmaker(2017)

You can bring back many things and love them forever, until you bring back the truth.

By: rabbiwanna |

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