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You Want A 3D Printer?

While written as satire, this is too close to home.

By: WayGroovy |

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Missouri Mathematicians Discover New Prime Number

At more than 22 million digits, it's the longest prime yet - CONGRATS JTWOOD!

By: WayGroovy | | Thanks: JaiDubs

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Brick + Washing Machine +Trampoline

We need more trifectas like this.

By: WayGroovy | | Thanks: sixf00t4

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Earth Maps

A global, live/forecasted map of wind, weather, and ocean conditions. Pretty beautiful if ya ask me!

By: WayGroovy | | Thanks: reno

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Amiibo Plugs

Rated in descending order as bumplugs

By: WayGroovy | | 18+ | Thanks: OberonFox

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Tips for Making Pizza

eHow blesses all of us with an instructional video for creating our own 3-cheese pizza blend

By: WayGroovy | | Thanks: JT WOOD

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Space Telescopes Maneuver like CATS

Thanks Destin!

By: WayGroovy | | Thanks: U nwieldy

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Why Ran Gavrieli Stopped Watching Porn

Pretty interesting view on how porn programs us even if we don't want to admit it.

By: WayGroovy | | Thanks: stunder

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We've Got a Badass over Here.

Neil deGrasse Tyson reveals the biggest misconceptions about the universe

By: WayGroovy | | Thanks: U nwieldy

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Night Witches: The Female Fighter Pilots of World War II

Members of the 588th Night Bomber Regiment decorated their planes with flowers ... and dropped 23,000 tons of bombs.

By: WayGroovy | | Thanks: U nwieldy

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Programming and Timezones, How Hard Could It Be?

Tom Scott explains why timezones are the worst when looked at from a programming perspective.

By: WayGroovy | | Thanks: heinzeketchum

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Apparently abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz is apparently a good password... but it's a fun site to play with.

By: WayGroovy | | Thanks: gerf

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Edison's Test

Take the intelligence test that Thomas Edison gave to job seekers.

By: dugpitz | | Thanks: Rich Cream

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Standford Prison Experiment

After seeing the movie I thought this would be a good post. This is page one and it continues with the link in the bottom statement made by the Prof, in charge.

By: WayGroovy | | Thanks: Che1964

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Google Contributor

Google gives users the option to turn off ads for specific sites with monies

By: WayGroovy |

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Star Wars Ring Theory

An interesting analysis of how the prequel and original trilogies are intertwined, as the author says "as this essay will show, the six Star Wars films together form a highly structured ring composition.

By: WayGroovy | | Thanks: reno

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Things You Might Not Know About Mister Rogers

To live a good life just ask yourself, "Would this make Mister Rogers proud?" before acting.

By: WayGroovy | | Thanks: U nwieldy

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Get Rumblr

Tinder for Kicking Asses

By: WayGroovy | | Thanks: RJ robinson

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Internet use for the Blind

Welcome, to the world of tomorrow!

By: WayGroovy |

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A Series of Letters

The arrangement of the galleries is always the same: Twenty bookshelves, five to each side, line four of the hexagon's six sides; the height of the bookshelves, floor to ceiling, is hardly greater than the height of a normal librarian. One of the hexagon's free sides opens onto a narrow sort of vestibule, which in turn opens onto another gallery, identical to the first-identical in fact to all.

By: WayGroovy |

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Solving a Clock Puzzle

When two pendulum clocks are hung on the same wall they sync up, with one swinging to the left and the other to the right. The reason why has now been discovered.

By: WayGroovy | | Thanks: E2theB

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You Suck at Cooking

Yeah, you totally suck.

By: WayGroovy | | Thanks: Detrious

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Lab Grown Kidneys? I'll Take Two!

They're not for me, they're for my father. I don't even know if they're GMO friendly.

By: WayGroovy |

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Happy birthday to you!

The song Happy Birthday has just entered public domain after a 3 year long court case.

By: WayGroovy | | Thanks: DorgoDorato

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2016 US Presidential Quiz

Finally, The Breaking News thread contributes something.

By: WayGroovy | | Thanks: gerf

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A Water Sommelier

There is only one in the US.....for a good reason. Also, #KlausTheFish

By: WayGroovy | | Thanks: thatguy

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A Scale Model of our Solar System

On a dry lake bed in Nevada, a group of friends build a scale model of the solar system with complete planetary orbits: a true illustration of our place in the universe.

By: WayGroovy | | Thanks: niknarjc

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Insert Grawlix Here

For the next time you want to tidy up some exotic sentence enhancers.
It's a 1 KHz tone. Turn your speakers down.

By: WayGroovy |

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Our Greatest Adventure

Our adventure is just beginning. Neil deGrasse Tyson examines the upcoming Ares 3 mission and their #JourneyToMars in this special episode of StarTalk.

By: WayGroovy | | Thanks: OberonFox

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Big data maps world's ocean floor

It is the first time the composition of the seafloor, covering 70 percent of the Earth’s surface, has been mapped in 40 years; the most recent map was hand drawn in the 1970s.
Interactive Map

By: dugpitz | | Thanks: Rich Cream

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