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The Most Radioactive Places on Earth


By: WayGroovy | | Thanks: niknarjc

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Originally published in 1946, this New Yorker article is oft considered a monumental piece of journalism. "He tried at several points to penetrate the ruins, but the flames always stopped him. Under many houses, people screamed for help, but no one helped; in general, survivors that day assisted only their relatives or immediate neighbors, for they could not comprehend or tolerate a wider circle of misery. "

By: WayGroovy | | Thanks: t0ast3d

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Why Time Flies

A visual explanation of why time seems to fly by faster the more you age.

By: WayGroovy | | Thanks: reno

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How Hot Chicken Really Happened

File "Prince's Lunch Line" under "Willing To Stand In"

By: WayGroovy | | Thanks: Sharkeyy

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How bad was this past winter in New England?

The last of the snow collected from Boston streets only just melted July 14.

By: WayGroovy | | Thanks: enbee

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How to ride Bitch

Assert dominance with Tailgaters. Don't break eye contact.

By: WayGroovy | | Thanks: Aceshigh

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The Most Metal Deaths in Middle-earth, Ranked

Fountains are delightful, not metal.

By: WayGroovy | | Thanks: CrispyCroissant

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What Causes Addiction?

a blogger and author explores the real cause of addiction and the impact it can have in treating people who can't stop.

By: WayGroovy | | Thanks: heinzeketchum

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Dadholes Day

Happy Fathers Day dadholes!

By: WayGroovy | | Thanks: jedi clampett

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Understanding consent with the help of stick figures and a cup of tea.

funny, classy, spot-on, easy to understand and relate to, relevant to some conversations happening in multiple places here

By: WayGroovy | | Thanks: have patience

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Meet your other you

Answer 8 questions with 8 multiple choice answers each and get introduced to someone else who answers the exact same as you.

By: WayGroovy | | Thanks: wittyname

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The World Religions Tree

Pretty cool, I just don't get why they didn't somehow highlight the one true branch™.

By: WayGroovy | | Thanks: CrispyCroissant

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The making of an aluminum can

Ever wonder why a can is designed the way it is? Or ever wonder how it is made? This video answers both.

By: WayGroovy | | Thanks: Shumway

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The Rock 'n' Roll Casualty Who Became a War Hero

Jason Everman, as a teenager, worked on a fishing boat in Alaska. Then he became a guitarist for Nirvana. Got kicked out and became a member of Soundgarden. After getting kicked out of a second major band, he joined the Army and then the Army Rangers. Now, with a bachelor's degree in Philosophy, courtesy of the GI bill, he's thinking of becoming a bartender.

This is a bizarrely fascinating story.

By: WayGroovy | | Thanks: E2theB

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Guns with History

After opening a gun store in NYC, first time buyers leave with changed outlooks.

Powerful anti-gun video that is sure to create a lot of debate.

By: WayGroovy | | Thanks: IdentityOne

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How to Become Gluten Intolerant

Ultra Spiritual Life episode 12 - with JP Sears

By: WayGroovy | | Thanks: OberonFox

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How Many Water Balloons Does It Take to Stop a Bullet?

Magnum. 44. Dirty Harry.

By: WayGroovy | | Thanks: heinzeketchum

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Two in the Paleozoic, one in the Cretaceous

note: Best possible title ever by KNW in the "its a red letter thread for science" thread.

By: WayGroovy | | Thanks: teryakisan

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Banksy does GAZA

Look, the kitty found something to play with.

By: WayGroovy | | Thanks: Miscreant

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Sausage Tossing Instructions for Children.

Perfect Slorum link for Pi Day.

By: WayGroovy | | Thanks: Edward

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Cracked - Intelligent discussion on Basic Income

"I am employed to stay at home and write poop jokes full time. I completely acknowledge that I don't bring any value to society whatsoever."

Check out ~36m - 46m

By: WayGroovy | | Thanks: User

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Uber Fallout

An article about how autonomous vehicles may replace the idea of vehicle ownership, and additional domino effects.

By: WayGroovy | | Thanks: User

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How a Car Engine Works

Several people suggested this might be of interest to the front page, as opposed to just the automotive thread. A fantastic animated graphic of the fundamental workings of internal combustion engines. A must-read with moving pictures!

By: WayGroovy | | Thanks: t0ast3d

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A zoomable map comparing websites

By: WayGroovy |

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A true government hand out

In the Netherlands, the national health system provides a grant scheme for people with disabilities to receive public money to pay for sexual services up to 12 times a year.

By: WayGroovy | | Thanks: DorgoDorato

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How to remove a stuck bread maker paddle

You'll not want to use metal.

By: WayGroovy | | Thanks: Atharaenea

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Drew Curtis running for Governor of Kentucky

Yes, that Drew Curtis...

By: WayGroovy | | Thanks: teryakisan

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Downhill long-boarding

never fully trust walkie talkies on downhill runs.

By: WayGroovy | | Thanks: phapster

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You Are Getting Old

At least you can enjoy some trivia while you're at it.

By: calvinhobbes | | Thanks: br idb ran

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Riding Light

Ride a photon from the sun to Jupiter in real time.

By: WayGroovy | | Thanks: arothman

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