The Most Radioactive Places on Earth
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Originally published in 1946, this New Yorker article is oft considered a monumental piece of journalism. "He tried at several points to penetrate the ruins, but the flames always stopped him. Under many houses, people screamed for help, but no one helped; in general, survivors that day assisted only their relatives or immediate neighbors, for they could not comprehend or tolerate a wider circle of misery. "
A visual explanation of why time seems to fly by faster the more you age.
File "Prince's Lunch Line" under "Willing To Stand In"
The last of the snow collected from Boston streets only just melted July 14.
Assert dominance with Tailgaters. Don't break eye contact.
Fountains are delightful, not metal.
a blogger and author explores the real cause of addiction and the impact it can have in treating people who can't stop.
Understanding consent with the help of stick figures and a cup of tea.
funny, classy, spot-on, easy to understand and relate to, relevant to some conversations happening in multiple places here
Answer 8 questions with 8 multiple choice answers each and get introduced to someone else who answers the exact same as you.
Pretty cool, I just don't get why they didn't somehow highlight the one true branch™.
Ever wonder why a can is designed the way it is? Or ever wonder how it is made? This video answers both.
Jason Everman, as a teenager, worked on a fishing boat in Alaska. Then he became a guitarist for Nirvana. Got kicked out and became a member of Soundgarden. After getting kicked out of a second major band, he joined the Army and then the Army Rangers. Now, with a bachelor's degree in Philosophy, courtesy of the GI bill, he's thinking of becoming a bartender.
This is a bizarrely fascinating story.
After opening a gun store in NYC, first time buyers leave with changed outlooks.
Powerful anti-gun video that is sure to create a lot of debate.
Ultra Spiritual Life episode 12 - with JP Sears
Magnum. 44. Dirty Harry.
note: Best possible title ever by KNW in the "its a red letter thread for science" thread.
Look, the kitty found something to play with.
Perfect Slorum link for Pi Day.
"I am employed to stay at home and write poop jokes full time. I completely acknowledge that I don't bring any value to society whatsoever."
Check out ~36m - 46m
An article about how autonomous vehicles may replace the idea of vehicle ownership, and additional domino effects.
Several people suggested this might be of interest to the front page, as opposed to just the automotive thread. A fantastic animated graphic of the fundamental workings of internal combustion engines. A must-read with moving pictures!
In the Netherlands, the national health system provides a grant scheme for people with disabilities to receive public money to pay for sexual services up to 12 times a year.
You'll not want to use metal.
Yes, that Drew Curtis...
never fully trust walkie talkies on downhill runs.
At least you can enjoy some trivia while you're at it.
Ride a photon from the sun to Jupiter in real time.