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The AI Revolution: The Road to Superintelligence

A long, long read.

Second part here:

By: WayGroovy | | Thanks: CrispyCroissant

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I look like Barack Obama

The resemblance is uncanny!

By: WayGroovy | | Thanks: Yuppykiller

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USB Drops

Maybe I live in a cave, but I've never heard of this. Good way to share writing projects, secret/not so secret information, and of course, porn.

By: WayGroovy | | Thanks: scarletswalking

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Leaving Afghanistan

"By the time we thought about leaving Afghanistan, we'd been tossing gear into the country for more than a decade. This is the story of how we moved out."

By: dugpitz | | Thanks: t0ast3d

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The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck

The most inspiring thing I've read in a long time.

By: WayGroovy | | Thanks: bunny

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Facebook Freebooting

How should monetization off of content without permission actually be handled?

By: WayGroovy | | Thanks: User

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Doin' Time in Times Square

An artful montage of footage that movie director Charlie Ahearn took from his apartment building on 43rd Street.

By: WayGroovy | | Thanks: haze

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A Font for Dyslexics

The typeface Dyslexie is a revolutionary font, designed to simplify life for those who have dyslexia. With a heavy base line, alternating stick/tail lengths, larger-than-normal openings, and a semi-cursive slant, the dyslexia font ensures that each character has a unique form.

By: WayGroovy | | Thanks: E2theB

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My Progress Bar

A site that helps you avoid work by providing fake operating system update screens. Set a fixed time and operating system, full screen browser and sit back and enjoy doing nothing.

By: WayGroovy | | Thanks: cajunbob

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The wonderful and terrifying implications of computers that can learn

What happens when we teach a computer how to learn?

TEDx, on youtube TED

By: WayGroovy |

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NASA | A Year in the Life of Earth's CO2

NASA produced a video simulating global carbon dioxide emission and dispersal over the course of a year.

By: WayGroovy | | Thanks: JT WOOD

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How Animals Hacked The Rainbow

Many green snakes and frogs, says Parker, "actually are not green at all. They've evolved a yellow pigment and a blue structural color, and the two combined produce a green effect."

By: dugpitz | | Thanks: onemanarmy

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Desert Bus for Hope.

The crew at Desert Bus for Hope is back playing the worst game ever for Child's Play.

By: dugpitz | | Thanks: U nwieldy

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The Ten Bullets.

How to live your life, correctly, according to these instructional videos. But really, some damn good points over dramatized. (Watch Ten Bullets video first)

By: WayGroovy | | Thanks: niknarjc

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Volcano fire spider

After the pile of reactants is lit, it begins to look like tentacles are crawling out of a portal to Hell.

By: WayGroovy | | Thanks: onemanarmy

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31 Laws of Fun

So this is Utopia, is it?  Well
I beg your pardon, I thought it was Hell.
        -- Sir Max Beerholm, verse entitled

By: WayGroovy |

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8 reasons children of the 1970s should all be dead.

Except the jarts and no seatbelts this was my childhood in the early 90's too.

By: WayGroovy | | Thanks: Sepharo

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Super Villains Experience Parenting Paranoia Too

Man Talk

By: WayGroovy |

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Cat gets lifesaving blood from a dog

So, Would a Vampire Cat be able to suck a Dog's Blood?

By: WayGroovy | | Thanks: KornGod

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Wendy's Rap

Wendy's had a series of training videos in the late 1980's, complete with raps about grilling and how to serve a proper frosty.

Here's the first part of the "Grill Skills" video

By: WayGroovy | | Thanks: littlesam

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Solar Eclipse

This Thursday October 23, skywatchers across much of the North America and Mexico will witness a partial solar eclipse. From the eastern U.S. the eclipse will reach maximum around the time of sunset, making for dramatic picture-taking opportunities. Further west, the entire eclipse will occur with the sun up in the afternoon sky. Either way, you can't go wrong. Find out what time the eclipse starts where you're at.

By: WayGroovy | | Thanks: JT WOOD

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Enbee - "Back in the old days, this was the first of my submissions to be posted. Still up and running. Still full of a lot of weird shit regarding circus sideshow performers."

By: WayGroovy | | Thanks: enbee

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How to solve a Petaminx

Every step in the scramble and solve of a Petaminx is shown in real time. And it's only 8 hours long!

By: WayGroovy | | Thanks: HellsSnowMan

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Bill Nye "Eyes of Nye" episode asking questions about GMO foods.

I've seen a few people link a chopped up version of this on their FaceTube pages, but I think it's important they watch the whole thing - the interviews with experts are very compelling and informative and those are what have been completely removed from the clickbait site.

By: WayGroovy | | Thanks: heinzeketchum

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True Facts about Marsupials

ze Frank

By: WayGroovy | | Thanks: DorgoDorato

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Electromagnets, how do they work?

Why having metal items is bad when going into an MRI machine

By: WayGroovy | | Thanks: mat trm cg

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The history of life in a beer.

If they taught science this way in school we would have cured cancer by now.

By: WayGroovy | | Thanks: enbee

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The little-known Soviet mission to rescue a dead space station

How two Cosmonauts battled extreme cold, darkness, and limited resources to save Salyut 7. This is a great read on a rather daring mission carried out by Russian cosmonauts during the mid '80s.

By: WayGroovy | | Thanks: rusty t

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Andrew WK For America! An Intelligent America

If you've not been reading Andrew W.K.'s life advice column at the Village Voice, you're really missing out. Since the start of the year, he's been taking weekly questions from fans, and dispensing some fascinating and thoughtful answers.

By: WayGroovy | | Thanks: traverses

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The Cost of Raising Calvin

"How much damage can a 6 year-old possibly do? An analysis of the cost of raising a child like Calvin from Calvin and Hobbes"

By: WayGroovy | | Thanks: KNW

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