How do you see the homeless?
Thought Provoking.
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Or whatever you can call lynx noise
Let's find out! A cool interactive website.
If your house burns down with the family jewels inside, you can collect the pools of melted gold, but the diamonds will be gone in a puff of CO2. It's actually mall trinkets, not diamonds, that are forever.
Say Hello to My Little Friend!
Small problems can quickly become bigger.
The Rev. Fred Phelps Sr., who founded a Kansas church widely known for its protests at military funerals and anti-gay sentiments, has died according to his son Tim Phelps. Phelps, 84, was being cared for in a Shawnee County facility, Westboro Baptist Church spokesman Steve Drain said Sunday. Members of the Westboro church, based in Topeka, frequently protest at funerals of soldiers with signs containing messages such as 'Thank God for dead soldiers', and 'Thank God for 9/11,' claiming the deaths are God's punishment for American immorality and tolerance of homosexuality and abortion.
I don't see Slorum here?!
Creatures get the coolest grouping names.
Now a real place in Vancouver, BC.
The 'return to launch site' abort plan for the space shuttle that may have even worked. Maybe.
Well who's older than sliced bread?
I can think of about 385 reasons I should probably get the small one though.
Watch Arctic ice slowly recede over 25 years in this mesmerizing animation built by NOAA using data captured by Mark Tschudi of the Colorado Center for Astrodynamics Research at the University of Colorado
"do someone whant flamed chicken" cries one of the many members of the public, outraged over the revelation.